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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • How do I participate in the WURI Ranking 2025?

You can just follow the following steps:

First, apply for a Google Drive where you can upload the innovative program (Google Drive Application Form). Second, enter the program content into the template and upload it to Google Drive. The deadline is December 31, 2024.


  • Are there fees for applying to the WURI? 

The WURI Ranking is a not-for-profit program, so there are no fees nor any hidden costs for this application and evaluation process. There is also no marketing activities involved with this program or its participants.


  • How is the evaluation of the submitted applications processed?

There are three phases for evaluation.

(1) Evaluation: The presidents, who have been invited to submit their applications, will evaluate all applications.

(2) Judgment: The representatives of the university leagues (e.g., AAC&U) and higher education-related media (e.g., newspapers, magazines), and the members of the WURI Evaluation Board will review the Evaluators’ evaluation scores. WURI Evaluation System (developed by Generative AI model) will also be used to evaluate the programs.  

(3) Final Check: The WURI Evaluation Board aggregates the recommendations of the Judges, checks the reliability of the contents in the submitted applications, and finalizes the entries in the "Top 50" of the thirteen categories as well as "Global Top 100."


  • How does WURI ensure the fair review?​​

The WURI ranking uses a title-blind review process. We will delete the names of your universities from the title of the project. You may, however, mention your university name in the content of the template at your discretion.


  • Can I submit a joint application?

Two or more applicants can jointly submit applications if the programs have been jointly developed and/or implemented in such cases as double-degree programs, research consortia, or other similar collaborative projects. If the joint programs are selected, all the applicants will be co-ranked. However, please ensure that the two organizations involved are distinct institutions.   


  • Can I submit applications for more than one category?

Applicants can apply for one or more of the sixteen categories.  The universities are ranked in more than one or all sixteen categories if they have entered more than one category. 


  • There are 16 categories in WURI framework.  Should I apply only to ONE category among 16 or should I choose one from 8 Targets and one from 8 means? 

You must select only one category out of the 16 categories for each of your programs.


  • Can I submit multiple applications for one category?

Applicants can submit more than one program for each category. The university will be ranked based on the quality and quantity of the programs, including all submitted applications. 


  • If I have more questions, how can I contact you? 

We recommend you to first review this website titled ‘ABOUT WURI’.  It includes all the necessary information needed when you plan, submit, and evaluate.


  • Would it be allowed to use stationery or letterhead paper instead of plain bond paper? 2. is any size of the paper allowed? short, legal, long, A4? Are there any minimum and maximum Pages for the innovative case?

You must use only plain paper, and the size should be A4 or Letter size. And there is no minimum and maximum number of pages for an innovative program.


  • Can I resubmit a case this year that was submitted last year?

Yes, it is possible. However, since categories have been added this year and both the category names and content are different from last year, please ensure you assign the appropriate category names and update any changes that occurred during the past year before submitting. If you want to change the program name, you are welcome to do so.


  • The registration asks for student and staff data. May I know what's the purpose of collecting this data and whether the data will be displayed on your website?

​ The staff and student data collected during registration will be used for administrative purposes only, and this information will never be disclosed on our website or through any other means.


  • Can we apply for programs that are currently ongoing and have not yet been completed?

Yes, of course. Even if the program is not completed, we believe it can be evaluated based on its innovative ideas."

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