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Evaluation Processes


The WURI is a not-for-profit program, so there are no fees nor any hidden costs for this application and evaluation process. There are also no marketing activities involved with this program or its participants. The following is an outline of our evaluation process.


  1. Evaluation: The presidents or the school’s evaluation team designated by the president, who have submitted their applications, will evaluate all applications in a blind review process and send their evaluation scores of all the submitted applications to the WURI Evaluation Board

  2. Judgment: The representatives of the university leagues (e.g., AAC&U) and higher education-related media (e.g., newspapers, magazines) who accept WURI’s invitation, and the members of the WURI Evaluation Board, will review the Evaluators’ evaluation scores and send them to the WURI office their recommended list of universities for the global top 100 rankings.   In addition,  WURI's GPT Evaluation System will also provide judgment based on the database of University's innovative initiatives. 

  3. Final Check: The WURI Evaluation Board aggregates the recommendations of the Judges, checks the reliability of the contents in the submitted applications, and finalizes the entries in the “Global Top 100 WURI 2024.”

  4. Publication of the WURI: The final ranking and selected innovative programs from the ranking will be published on June 18, 2024 (Tentative).



Evaluation Criteria


There are 13 categories for evaluation. Each of these 13 categories should be then evaluated based on the following three criteria.


  1. Innovativeness: Evaluators should first assess the programs based on how innovative it is. This could be with the content of the program itself or with the process the institution has demonstrated in making their program more effective. The evaluators may consider one of these aspects or both.

  2. Implementability: Apart from the innovativeness, evaluators should also examine its implementability or doability. This can be assessed by measuring the costs and benefits in initiating the program.

  3. Impact: Evaluators should consider both the scope and intensity of the program. In terms of scope, it should be judged whether the impact is limited to only one department, for example, or whether it is wide across the entire university. Additionally, the impact of the program can have a varying degree of intensity which must be weighed up carefully.


Based on these three criteria and to the best of your assessment, evaluators will select the best programs for each of the 13 categories from the list of applicants of the evaluation sheet.

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